As you start residency the apps you depend on will cross specialties. Over time your “must have” apps will change and grow. We will continue to update this page as we discover new apps, and we are always happy to try new apps – so feel free to contact us to test drive yours if you’re a developer. And if you use a great app you want to share please let us know!

A Note on Google vs Android Apps

In the past we’ve been pretty good about finding out if the apps available Apple products are also available on Google/Android. However, we cannot guarantee we will always do so, and developers often release to the other platform at a later date. Let us know in the comments on each app post if you’ve found an alternative/similar app for Android!

Every day family medicine apps every intern should have.

Medication and Antibiotic iPhone Apps

Medication apps for all residents.

OB and pediatric iPhone Apps

Coming Soon… OB/gyn and pediatric apps

Emergency Medicine iPhone Apps

Coming Soon… EM and Urgent Care apps

Question Bank iPhone Apps

Coming Soon… Question Bank Apps for Residents

Last Updated: 2019-10-19