If you have no idea what this is please go view this page first. This is week six of our prep course! If you never got “the rules” read them under the heading “So how do I use this?“
Welcome to the final week of our journey through intern preparation. I hope you have learned a little and gained new skills. I hope the weekly FOAM components opened up a door into free online medical education and social media. And I know you don’t feel ready, but it’s okay. The goal was to get your feet wet, and you have.
- CURBSIDERS Airway for a non-intensivist
- AFP Vaginitis
- TEACH: Medication Overdose
- LITFL EKGs: Toxicity and Hypothermia
- FOAM Tweetorial: PrEP and STIs
- Peds RAP – allergy myths
- AFP Pediatric gastroenteritis
- TEACH: Acute abdominal pain
- FOAM: CXR Basics
- FOAM: Contraception fact sheet
- CURBSIDERS Fluid management
- AFP Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- TEACH: Sepsis
- AFP Photo Quiz!
- FOAM: Pediatric Medical Trauma
Today’s a little different, as there were three podcasts I couldn’t choose between, so pick one. Choose your own adventure!
- Peds RAP Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) or Curbsiders Hip pain or Urgent Care RAP – CXRs in COVID
- FOAM Tweetorial: Dyspnea
- Curbsiders HYPOthyroid
- Urgent care – Risk Stratification for suspected covid19 in adults
- TEACH: Obstructive Sleep apnea
- AFP Photo Quiz!
- FOAM Tweetorial: Non-ICU Inpatient COVID
Extra Credit
- Some of Dr. Kimberly Manning’s #BedsideWisdom that is important as you become an intern, especially if you’ll be off-service
- Why do we give iron to patients with HFrEF and anemia? Let clinician-educator Anand Jagannath take you on a journey and teach you some physiology too.
- The folks at ALiEM have a neat trick to help with nausea/vomiting, and it doesn’t require a prescription. WHAT?!
And to end our course…
EM PD Josh Mugele asked Twitter what they’d say to new interns to inspire them. Enjoy!